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People who feel that they have been discriminated against on the basis of their weight are about 31% more likely to die early.
Every hour you spend in a car makes you 6% more likely to be obese. Every kilometer you walk reduces it by almost 5%.
Seeing “stars” after stretching is due to blood flow being re-routed from the brain/eyes to the stretching muscles.
Every dollar spent on the rubella, measles, and mumps vaccine saves the U.S. $23.30 in medical costs, according to CDC data.
True - see here
If a man pees on a pregnancy test and it shows up as positive, it may be a sign of testicular cancer.
Music can repair brain damage and returns lost memories.
There is a such thing as laughter therapy.
73% of 70-year old men are still potent
Good dancing is indicative of superior health and reproductive potential, which is why people are attracted to talented dancers.
Teens who have a low resting heart rate may be at increased risk of committing violent crimes as adults, a new study suggests.
Masturbating improves the fitness of a man's sperm by getting rid of old sperm, as younger sperm have a higher likelihood of insemination.
From 2008 to 2011, American kids’ exposure to candy ads on television went up 74%.
Daylight Saving Time costs the U.S. an estimated $434 million in lost productivity and decreased health.
23 million Americans suffer from addiction, but only 1 in 9 get treatment.
Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers.
A NASA study found that while a 15-minute nap might not make you feel physically better, it still boosts cognitive performance.
Your dominant hand hosts different bacteria than your non-dominant hand.
Avocados, raspberries, almonds, broccoli, spinach, salmon are among the healthiest foods on the planet.
semen is packed full of natural mood-enhancers.
Blackberries help the brain retain new information.
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